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Shenzhen : The Silicon Valley of Hardware

Shenzhen : The Silicon Valley of Hardware

Shenzhen is the fastest growing city in the history of humankind. In just ten years, it has grown from 300,000 people spread accross a few fishing towns, to a technological metropolis of 10M people.

What’s more, Shenzhen is trailblazing a new and unrivalled path. Whereas Silicon Valey creates software, Shenzhen’s history of mass-producing electronics has turned it into a robotic powerhouse. Children learn robotics alongside regular school subjects, teenagers build robots for themselves in maker-spaces and huge, secretive markets sell every electronic component under the sun.

Take a deep dive into this little-understood, breathtaking city and catch a glimpse of what the future has in store.

Title : Shenzhen : The Silicon Valley of Hardware
Director : Jim Demuth
Release : 2016
Length : 68 min
Where to watch : Youtube

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