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The Traveling Piano Tuner Who Chooses to Live on the Streets

The Traveling Piano Tuner Who Chooses to Live on the Streets

A few years ago, after a long day at work, Richard began to consider whether he really needed any of his possessions. Looking around his London flat at the TV he never had time to watch and the playstation he’d never even used, he realised that all he truly cared about was his hot shower.

Yearning for the freedom to travel, he began reducing his expenses so that he didn’t have to spend all his time working and could start enjoying life while being able to pay off his debts.

A year and a half later, Richard is living on the streets with all his worldly possessions in a bag strapped to his bike, earning a living as a travelling piano tuner. He’s now paid off all his debts and is the happiest he’s ever been.

Discover his inspiring story below, for free.

Today’s Free of the Week comes from the England Your England video series by director Matt Hopkins, a fascinating collection of portraits of those living alternative lifestyles at the edge of modern British society.

Edit: ‘Free of the Week’ is now ‘Short of the Week’.

The Oscar-Nominated First-Hand Account of an Underground Syrian Hospital Under Siege

The Oscar-Nominated First-Hand Account of an Underground Syrian Hospital Under Siege

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A History of Virtual Pets, from Tamagotchi to The Sims