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PRIDE in Ukraine - A Dichotomy of Love and Hate

PRIDE in Ukraine - A Dichotomy of Love and Hate

‘Free of the Week’ is changing! The filmmakers we collaborate with are raising their game and so are we.

Our renowned series dedicated to showcasing free online films is now ‘Short of the Week’ with a greater emphasis on showcasing only the highest quality short films for free on our IGTV and Facebook.

Although tolerance is building around the subject of LGBT+ rights in Ukraine, the annual PRIDE march brings out more than just love and support, it also draws hatred and aggression from minority hate groups. Filmmaker and photographer Jordy Walker set out to capture last year’s march.

He talks us through the result, our Short of the Week entitled “Love or Hate”, which you can watch for free on our IGTV below.

Growing up in Newcastle (UK) I did not witness the scale of disparities in LGBT+ rights as much as I did when I lived in Ukraine. When I was a young teenager, I went to a gay wedding of a close family friend, this was when the same-sex marriage act was just implemented, it was fancy dress and to think that it used to be illegal is absurd now. It became apparent to me that in Ukraine this Geordie openness was not the norm so I decided to document their PRIDE march.

The idea was sparked whilst I was getting my haircut; the hairdresser was telling me about the LGBT+ community and how there was a PRIDE march soon but, in the past, the PRIDE marches had to be cancelled for fear of their safety. The PRIDE community is still up against the general public and receives extreme hatred from far-right groups and the orthodox church. As we have witnessed in the UK it takes time to shift the mindset of the people, and each country is at a different stage of "progression" to that path of equality. In Ukraine, they have a fair distance to go, they are still fighting for that progression but they are fighting against a stronger force of hate.

It is important to see what the situation is like in other countries, to see how far you have come (it is easy to take for granted the struggles of past generations) but to also see how far you have to go. I want to live in a fairer world, I want to be an advocator of hope, so that is why I make documentaries. I hope you enjoy Love or Hate and thank you for taking the time to watch it.

Short of the Week is our series dedicated to showcasing the best short documentaries available online. Get in touch to pitch yours.⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

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