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International Women's Day - Discover the Doc Series Empowering Female Farmers

International Women's Day - Discover the Doc Series Empowering Female Farmers

In honour of International Women’s Day, we’re featuring an episode of the brilliant Visible Farmer film project in our Free of the Week series!

49% of all food in Australia is produced by women and filmmaker couple Gisela Kaufmann and Carsten Orlt of Kaufmann Productions have travelled the length and breadth of the country to meet and profile some of the industry’s most impressive women.

From the innovative goat-farmer broadening Australia’s tastes to the country’s only water-lily flower farmer, these are some of the industry’s most pioneering, passionate and determined members, hoping to inspire the next generation of women to follow in their footsteps.

In this episode, we meet Melissa Charlick of Roly Poly Farm in Perth. Melissa’s ambition is for a career in farming to be viewed like one in law or medicine, not only as being essential to society, but one that comes with a great lifestyle too.

Melissa is a small holds market-gardener implementing techniques and processes that regenerate her land, ensure a strong bond with her local community and completely cut out the need for a supply chain.

Roly-Poly Farm practices Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA), a system where consumers subscribe to a farm’s harvest, enjoying the bounty of the current harvest every week, while funding the planting of the next.

Watch the rest of the series from Visible Farmer’s Youtube channel.

Edit: ‘Free of the Week’ is now ‘Short of the Week’.

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