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Would you join a stranger late at night for a chat on a bench?

Would you join a stranger late at night for a chat on a bench?

…neither would we.

But hot off the back of his acclaimed debut “61 Hugs”, creator CK Goldiing’s latest challenge, “The Bench”, proves it isn’t such a crazy idea. The show is now available on Youtube.

Filmed across 7 evenings, CK sat on an anonymous bench in Sheffield, UK at 11pm, asking passersby to join him in conversation. Each night, he asked them a different question.

The series bears all the hallmarks of CK’s signature approach to filmmaking that first brought “61 Hugs” to our attention. A unique concept at its core, the potential for it all to go wrong (on occasion it does) and some particularly heart-warming sequences that will restore your trust in humanity. 

Clive Steven, creative and musician from Sheffield University, met with CK to find out more ahead of the series’ release.

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Nightcleaners – An oddity of its time that captures the British working class struggle of the early 1970s