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The B1M, the Youtube channel redefining construction for this generation

The B1M, the Youtube channel redefining construction for this generation

Undergoing phenomenal change and achieving heights never before seen in human history, today’s construction sector is a lot more exciting than most people think. Sit down and discuss it, like we did, with Fred Mills, Co-founder and MD of The B1M, and you’ll be left wondering how on earth it has passed you by.

This is the concept that underpins The B1M’s philosophy. The organisation is obsessed with construction, its power to inspire people, to positively impact society and reverse climate change. Now, with their videos frequently garnering millions of views on Youtube, the world is slowly coming to share their obsession.

The B1M now has over half a million subscribers, receives 7 million views a month and Fred has been raking in industry awards from his construction peers as well as the Youtube community.

We met up with him at The B1M’s world premiere of their latest documentary, ‘Habitation’, on the positive solutions being developed by architects and constructors to combat the UK’s growing housing crisis.

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Introducing Jay Wilde, the UK's first cattle-farmer to go vegan

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A death-defying glimpse of Cerro Rico or "the mountain that eats men"